By using this form to upload your details you are confirming the following:
You are legally able to work in the UK or whatever country you are based in.
You are of legal age to work in that country.
You are self-employed and that you are responsible for your own tax and government payments.
Due to the large amount of applicants looking to join our gallery of London escorts who submit to us their details, we will only be contacting the successful ones.
If you do not hear from us within a couple of weeks then I am afraid that you should view your application as unsuccessful. If this is the case then please review what you have sent us and see where you can make any improvements.
You do not need a professional portfolio to be able to submit your details but you will need professional pictures to be able to appear on our websites. If you do not have any professional photos then one of the team will gladly recommend to you some great photographers who can help you on your way.
If your application is successful then you are agreeing that this company can use your photos to promote you on this site or any others in the group, we may even use your profile to promote you on other websites or publications that we advertise in/ on.
For our service to you we take a commission which is based on us arranging your dates – anything sexual implied on this or any other of our websites is purely entertainment and does not represent what we offer.