Booking Etiquette: The Ultimate Guide To Escort Meet Up
Don't get us wrong, we understand a 30-minute booking has an entirely different vibe to an overnight booking, but what underpins these transactions is just basic manners.
Many of you use agencies because you don't have the time or the head space to do anything outside this world. Maybe the thought of reading through these blogs is overwhelming, and basically, you just want to turn up, do what you must do and get on with your day. This is fine, but for an interesting read, our etiquette blog will help you make the most of your time with a London escort!
So buckle up, and let's begin!
Manners maketh man. Ain't that the truth?
We have many returning clients, which is a wonderful feeling after many years on this platform. This highlights our ability to build good relationships with our client base, which translates into our bookings. So, many of the girls have commented on how lovely our clients are, and 9 times out of 10, all parties are happy!
In terms of having a good attitude, it is very simple to get this right. Be on time, clean, have the right money and treat your companion like an actual person instead of an object you've just bought!
Work out what is ok and not ok (we can get this cleared up before the appointment – we're happy to ask on your behalf) and ask them if there is something you'd like to do. None of us likes getting a wallop on the bum cheek when we weren't expecting it. Just be a gentleman, and you won't go far wrong.
These are not expected but always welcomed!
The number one gift a client will bring is a bottle of wine or champagne – we're usually asked what she'd like to drink in advance so you can get it right. But when in doubt, bubbles will always be a good start.
Next would be flowers or perfume, although we find that the clients who bring these have seen the lady before. These do seem more personal and thoughtful, so you can see why.
We had one client who took perfume to every girl; we'd find out what she liked, and he'd head off to Harrods to pick it up. One girl told him her favourite, and he had the shock of his life when it was over £400. He didn't buy it! May have been pushing it a bit on that one!
And then, of course, lingerie. Although it's a gift to the lady, I'd think you may get to sample the enjoyment too! Gorgeous lingerie to latex gloves has been items this year that have come up.
Lastly, random gifts have included a spa package at a Knightsbridge hotel, make-up, a Louie bag, a coffee machine (hers broke while he was there!) and a Burger King meal. I needed to throw the last one in because gifts like these aren't normal, so please don't think your companion will think any less of you if you're not in her doorway bearing presents.
Please bear in mind that gifts are just that. They're not in lieu of payment for any of their services or their time. Please do not think that buying a gift with mean the girl will return the favour. Only buy a gift if you want to show your gratitude to the time spent with your date.
You've had the address texted to you, and you're on your way, making sure you left plenty of time for tube cancellations, traffic chaos or unforeseen circumstances. Arriving 10 minutes early is so much better than being 10 minutes late. Again, manners!
If you are running late to your incall, please ring the office – we can let your escort know, and she can make any adjustments to later bookings if need be. Alternatively, if you're early, it's the same thing. Call the office!
We'll check if your companion is ready, and if she isn't, take a walk for a few minutes. Loitering outside her building is never a good look. Knowing you will be on time, not all hurried and stressed, is a joy. Racing into a booking with limited time never sets the scene well.
You will turn up alone – not with friends who want to check out what is happening or gawp at their mate. Absolutely not! More than one of you? The door won't be opened, and your booking will be cancelled.
You will not keep ringing the buzzer. Twice is plenty. Have you read the confirmation? There may be some details to access the building or a code for entry. If there is still no answer, call the office, and we'll see what is happening. Buzzing all the flats in the building is a sure way to have your booking cancelled!
Introduce yourself whilst handing over her payment. She will count this in front of you, and you will not take offence to this. Once that bit is out of the way, everything becomes more enjoyable.
Most escorts would like you to take a shower so both of you are clean and ready to go. All the girls have bathrooms where you can freshen up. You will not use her bathroom to pleasure yourself. She will know, then tell us, and we'll have to save your number as "wanks in the bathroom". None of us wants that, do we?
What now happens during this time is between the pair of you! Fetishes, role-play, relaxation, party, dress up, chill out…whatever you like.
You're more than welcome to shower before you leave so you're all fresh to head off to where you're due next. This is part of your time, so factor that in if you have to get back to work or have another engagement.
We like clients to leave discreetly while ensuring you have everything – if you have forgotten your glasses, bag or whatever random procession, call us! We'll arrange for you to go back and collect it. She may have another booking after you, so we need to make sure she is free to come to the door.
We love receiving reviews, so after your appointment, you can leave a review straight on the page on your lady's profile, or if you prefer, you can quickly tap something out to us, and we'll upload it on your behalf! Reviews are very appreciated and will be passed on to the lucky lady and put on her profile.
Most of our ladies are happy to attend hotel outcalls or private outcalls.
A private outcall is to your residence. We do not send girls to workplaces or random spaces.
We require proof of address for all new private outcalls, such as a utility bill. Unfortunately, due to escalated violence and clowns that make fake bookings, we must put an extra layer of security for the girls. We do understand that you may not be comfortable with that, but once you've done it, the photo will be deleted and your phone number will be marked as a known person, so you won't have to do it again.
If you're still not happy, we can offer you incall services. We appreciate your understanding, as the girls' safety is at the forefront of this decision.
If you're staying at a hotel, we will need your name and room number once checked in – even if you're meeting the lady at the bar or in the foyer. We need to know where they are, again, for safety reasons.
If you're staying in central London, then a 1-hour outcall is the minimum time. However, if you're staying further afield, such as at Canary Wharf or Heathrow, then we will require a minimum of 2 hours. All outcalls will need a taxi charge which will be confirmed before the lady sets off to meet you.
You may sometimes be asked to send an Uber or transfer the taxi charge in advance – this is a relatively new request but has worked well for both parties.
Cash is King! Until you realise your favourite coffee shop is now cashless. Find me a more annoying morning when that happens!
We'll happily take your cash, and most girls will take a bank transfer as long as it's a UK account and you're set up for instant transactions. We do not accept PayPal, and now neither Bitcoin, but we're looking into both these options for the future. I'll keep you posted.
If you decide to transfer money, please be sure you have an instant transfer. If you transfer money and it hasn't reached her account within 5 minutes, she will notify me, and I will instruct her to wait 10 minutes. The booking will be cancelled if the money has not arrived within this time. When the money reaches the lady's account in the next hour, day or week, we will inform you and return the money.
We do not take money on behalf of the girls or accept credit card payments.
Old school is great if you can. Take your cash, pop it in an envelope and hand it over on your arrival, and the time starts then. Enjoy!
Cancelling a booking is not me calling you 10 minutes AFTER you were meant to arrive for you to tell me that you can't make it. My eye roll will be beyond massive.
If, after making a booking, you realise that you have a tea to cook, a child to pick up from school, a zoom call with your Director, a car to get to its MOT…..anything at all, please let me know then. Right at that moment. I will cancel the booking with no issue whatsoever.
Keep making bookings and cancelling? You will be blocked. We don't have time to play with unorganised numpties. I'll let it go a couple of times, but then it becomes a problem, and you will no longer be able to deal with the best agency in London!
And I'll leave you how I found you – Good manners cost nothing. Bad manners can cost you your reputation. And in this little pocket of escorting and companionship, I'd say reputation is pretty important.
I would love to know what you think about this little entry! It takes me so much time to put thoughts down on the screen, but if there is anything you like to see more about or for me to expand upon, please do let us know, and I promise I'll have something out there within 3 months…hahahaha! I can see James eye-rolling now.
Thank you so much for reading – now go and put your best client foot forward, and we'll await your reviews!
Rachel x